Shop for Anxious, Hyper, & Mischievous Cats Here
shop for your kitty
Shop For Timid, Frightened / Scared, & Hyper Dogs Here.
buy for your pup
treats to soothe your pup's or kitty's worries.
Each Box Includes a Cat Toy, This is a Yellow Banana full of Catnip by Yeowww!
Euphoric Cat Toys

give your kitty the fire to burn the midnight oil so they'll let you rest throughout the night,

Best BD Treats for Dogs & Cats by SuperSnouts, Plain Jane & Chill Out.
Tasty Treats for Dogs & Cats

premium ingredients for your amazing furry friend.  Best calming dog treats & cat treats.

No-Hide Dog Chew That's Safe & Digestible
No-Hide Dog Chews

if your pup has a nervous tic, make sure you don't give them their favorite toy; they'll associate it with a scary event.